100+ Websites That Pay You ($10-$500) To Write Articles, Reviews, Tutorials, Fiction & More– Online Writing Jobs

An ultimate list of 110+ websites that pay you to write articles and tutorials. You can earn from $10 – $500+ per article. Start from small websites, build portfolio and start writing for popular websites and blogs to earn more.

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I have been making money online for almost 3 years, My first article was a review article of Ghost blogging platform and I was paid $50 for my first review article. My second article was a tutorial and I was paid $200 for that tutorial.

If you want to make money online, You should also start writing articles, tutorials, reviews, fiction etc. There are hundreds of websites that pay you for writing articles and tutorials.

You can write about any topic of your choice. You can write about travel, photography, marketing, parenting, blogging, web design, development, MAC, Windows, hardware and so many other topics.

In our previous article, We listed 20 websites that pay up to $300 per article, which also explains how to pitch a website and what you need to do before pitching.

In this article, we are going to share a list of 100+ websites. You can write for them to earn extra money every month.

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110+ Blogs That Pay $10 – $500+ Per Article

110+ Websites That Pay You ($10-$500) To Write Articles, Reviews, Tutorials, Ficton & More Online Writing Jobs
110+ Websites That Pay You ($10-$500) To Write Articles
  1. DigitalOcean up to $200 per article

  2. ListVerse Get Paid $100 Per List Article

  3. The Dollar Stretcher Payment is at the rate of $0.10 per published word.

  4. Reverb Press You will be paid by Reverb Press depending on your output and audience engagement.

  5. webdesignerdepot.com Be sure to include links to your previously published work, as well as your desired rate per article

  6. TutsPlus.com $250 per article

  7. CollegeHumor For a single page article, they will pay you $35. For a larger multi-page article, they will pay you $50.

  8. WritersWeekly Length: ~600 words – $60 | Length: ~400 words – $40

  9. WOW! Women On Writing $50 or $75 per article

  10. Funds For Writers Via PayPal – $50 for unpublished original articles; $15 for reprints.

  11. A List A Part $50 per mini-article, $100 per article, and $200 per feature.

  12. InstantShift Payment: Depends upon quality and word count.

  13. Smashing Magazine Payment: Depends upon quality and word count.

  14. Sitepoint $150-$300+ per article

  15. SpyreStudios Payment: Unknown

  16. Grasslimb Payment is typically $5-$20 per piece for poetry, $10-$70/piece for prose, $15-25/piece for book/music reviews, $15-$25/piece for artwork and cartoons. We reserve the right to pay a higher rate for commissioned work. Payment is on acceptance.

  17. UX Booth Payment: Unknown

  18. Crazyleaf Design Payment: They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  19. topcoder.com $100 – $200 per article

  20. Techopedia They pay competitive rates

  21. textbroker.com Access to thousands of content orders, flexible
    time management, and reliable payment.

  22. MakeTechEasier.com They reward their writers based on a flat article rate with performance bonus

  23. Wise Bread They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  24. International Living Payment: up to $400 per post

  25. Matador Payment: $20-$25 per post

  26. GloHoliday Payment: $40 per post + $3 per image

  27. BootsnAll Payment: $30-$50 per post

  28. wpmayor.com Send email with your price per article (in USD)*

  29. TheExpeditioner Payment: $30 per post

  30. wandrlymagazine.com They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  31. ScaryMommy.com They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  32. MetroParent.com $35-$350 per article depends on the leangth and quality

  33. AlaskaParent.com $40-$200 or more
    Authors willing to localize their reprints with interviews with local parents and experts can expect more.

  34. WorkingMother.com They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  35. velamag.com/ They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  36. TheSunMagazine.org Payment: $300-$2,500 for non-fiction
    $300-$1,500 for fiction
    $100-$250 for poetry
    from $1,000-$2,000 for interviews

  37. onextrapixel.com The amount of money depends on the quality, volume, comprehensiveness and other factors of the article.

  38. ewebdesign.com $50 per article

  39. developertutorials.com Pay rates depend on factors such as the quality of the tutorial/article and the demand for the topic it covers.

  40. webdesignledger.com Get Paid! The amount of money will depend on the standard and volume of the article/ tutorial.

  41. bmichellepippin.com Payment per piece will range from $50 – $150 and will be paid via paypal on the 1st of the month FOLLOWING the month it is posted.

  42. doctorofcredit.com $50 for every post

  43. incomediary.com Pay: $50 – $200 per article

  44. wordcandy.co Pay: $.06 per word

  45. rankpay.com $50 per article

  46. workonlineblog.com $50 per published article

  47. youronline.biz $100 per article

  48. GreatEscapePublishing.com $50 – $200 per article

  49. PerceptiveTravel.com Pay: $100 per article

  50. TransitionsaBroad.com $50 to $150 per article

  51. worldhum.com Contact them for payment details

  52. slickwp.com $100 per article

  53. getflywheel.com Up to $150 per article

  54. intenseblog.com $50 per article

  55. writenaked.net Guest bloggers on Write Naked receive $50.00. Posts run 450-650 words.


If Editor is particularly impressed with a contributor they will receive $200.00 in lieu of standard compensation.

  1. cracked.com $50 – $200 per article
  2. funnytimes.com $60 per article

  3. hubpages.com Pay: Adsense/Affiliate Based Pay

  4. wpwarfare.com Writers will be paid on a per-post basis and rates can be discussed with the individual.

  5. knowledgenuts.com $10 per article

  6. theartistunleashed.com $0.015 AUD per word

  7. smithsonianmag.com Pay: $.50 – $.60 per word | $500-$600 for 1000 word article

  8. howlround.com Pay: $50 – $150 per article

  9. theIntrospectionist.com Compensation :

For a department piece (from 100 to 500 words), $25. For a feature article up to 2000 words, $100.

For a feature article up to 5000 words, $200. Short fiction pieces pay $25. Poems $25.

  1. ThePennyHoarder.com Amount: Up to $75
  2. vectordiary.com USD$150 for each tutorial

  3. entheosweb.com Payment: They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  4. thetechlabs.com US$50-75 p/tutorial

  5. psdeluxe.com 30-75$ per article

  6. 1stwebdesigner.com Payment: They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  7. kreativewebtech.com Send email with your desired rate per article

  8. semaphoreci.com $200 per tutorial

  9. tutorialboard.net $150 per tutorial

  10. pxleyes.com up to $200 per tutorial

  11. therenegadewriter.com Contact them for details

  12. quemalabs.com Payment: They will pay an agreed USD rate per item published (make an offer!)

  13. pagely.com Payment: $.12 per word

  14. devops.profitbricks.com $200 per tutorial

  15. gomedia.com Payment will be negotiated based on the quality of the tutorial or article.

  16. achs.edu $50 per article

  17. indeni.com $50 – $200 per article

  18. wphub.com $100 – $200 per article

  19. toolsqa.com $10 to $50 per article

  20. ostraining.com Payment – Contact them for details

  21. compiletimeerror.com Payment – Contact them for details

  22. starterkit.att.com $50 – $200 per article

  23. scotch.io The amount of compensation depends on the expertise, length, and quality of the content.

  24. bipmedia.com Get paid up to $225 per article.

  25. cakephp.org Make up to $50 per article

  26. gitlab.com In-depth tutorials or opinion pieces of 750+ words: USD 200.00


Short tutorials of 500-750 words: USD 100.00

  1. lowendguide.com $10 for each article
  2. raywenderlich.com Money! Get paid to learn! We offer the highest rates in the industry.

  3. vultr.com $25 – $50 per article

  4. hostpresto.com up to £120 per tutorial

  5. tutorialspoint.com Payment: $250 to $500 per tutorial

  6. pixelemu.com $50 for the short article!

  7. wplift.com Payment: Contact them for details

  8. rapidseedbox.com Payment: up to $200 per tutorial

  9. wholelifetimes.com Payment: $75–150 depending on topic, research required and writer experience.

  10. graphstock.com Payment: Up to 150$ per tutorial

  11. saturdayeveningpost.com They pay $25 for Post Scripts and $400 for feature articles.

  12. radishmagazine.com Payment varies from $50 to $150 per article depending on length and work involved.

  1. bankforeclosuressale.com currently can pay up to $100, but they are open to negotiation depending on the quality of the content. They always try to establish an ongoing working relationship with good writers.

How to learn new skills

If you are an absolute beginner and want to make money online. You can learn new skills without spending hundreds of dollars, I have published a list of free video courses to learn HTML, CSS< WordPress, PHP, JavaScript and other web design related topics.

Use these free resources to learn new skills and start sharing knowledge with others, Write articles and tutorials and learn money.

Final Words

If you are writing articles for any other website that pay writers, please share with us, add your comments below.

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