You want to do everything you can to optimize your site and get as much traffic as you can. You already create great content and post regularly, but you’re wondering how else to really get better traffic flow.

We have also published 17 Tips: How to Increase Blog Traffic guide for you to increase your blog traffic.

Here are the top WordPress plugins that you can use to optimize, audit and improve your site so that your traffic will go up, too.

1. Bloom Powerful eMail Marketing Plugin

wordpress-traffic-generator-plugin bloom email marketing
wordpress-traffic-generator-plugin bloom email marketing

It is a very powerful and feature rich eMail Opt-In And Lead Generation Plugin For WordPress from ElegantThemes. You can create different types of beautiful email optin forms to easily convert visitors into email subscribers and customers.

You can choose from 5 different layout styles for your email optins.

  1. Automatic Opt-In Pop-Up
  2. Automatic Opt-In Fly-Ins
  3. Below Content Opt-In Forms
  4. In-line Opt-In Forms
  5. Widget Area Opt-In Forms
  6. Require Opt-In To Unlock Content

Download Bloom

2. Monarch The Best Social Media Sharing Plugin For WordPress

wordpress traffic generator social media plugin bloom
WordPress traffic generator social media plugin bloom

This is another powerful plugin from ElegantThemes, the team behind World’s most popular and best selling theme Divi.

Over 20 Social Networks to Choose From

Social Media is the lifeblood that keeps the internet glowing. Social Sharing lets you harness that activity and use it as a positive force for your business. Choose from more than 20 social sharing networks to display on your website to create a custom collection of sharing options for your visitors.

You can Add Sharing Buttons in 5 Different Locations using Monarch.

Different websites, pages, and posts have different social sharing needs. That’s why we’ve included a large selection of locations you can choose to place sharing buttons

6 Automatic Pop-Up & Fly-In Triggers Pop-ups and Fly-ins can be triggered by unique user interactions. This allows you to capture your visitors’ attention when they are most engaged or when they are in danger of leaving your page.

  1. Times Delay
  2. Bottom of Post
  3. After commenting
  4. After purchasing
  5. Ater inactivity
  6. Upon % Scroll

Over 35 Social Networks to Choose From

Monarch lets you choose from over 30 social profiles and networks. Just supply your profile URL’s and Monarch will display the network icons and even dynamically pull your existing follow counts if desired.

3. All in One SEO

All in one SEO plugin WordPress
All in one SEO plugin WordPress

You probably know by now how important it is to improve your SEO so you can rank higher in searches. All in One SEO WordPress plugin is a fantastic free plugin that you can use to easily fill out the key fields such as Keywords, custom titles and meta description in WordPress that you need for each page and post to boost your SEO.

Not only does it improve your titles for Google and search engine results, but it will also go through your content and fix duplicate content posts. This is one of the best all-around automated experiences you can get for your site.

4. Facebook Comments


Posts on Facebook with many comments are an excellent way to build the community around your site and to improve your SEO. You should be making it easier for your audience to comment on your posts and the content you publish by letting them comment on them through Facebook thanks to the Facebook Comments plugin. Readers can then do all of that from your website if it’s got the plugin installed.

5. Website Mobile Optimization

WordPress Mobile Site Plugins Google Search Trends
Consumer search with local intent Acroess devices: Image credit PowerSites

Mobile browsing has actually passed laptop and desktop browsing way back in 2014. It’s staggering that there are businesses that still don’t optimize their site for mobile. You can lose so many clients if you have a poor client navigation experience, so get a mobile friendly WordPress theme to quickly convert your website to a mobile-friendly format. It’ll be well worth it.

if you have been using Jetpack Mobile theme for your site, Keep in mind that The JetPack mobile theme will be retired in March 2023. You can either choose from Divi the most popular WordPress theme or Genesis Framework, one of the most popular SEO friendly WordPress theme frameworks. Dozens of free and premium mobile friendly are themes also available at WordPress theme directory.

6. Sharebar

This WordPress plugin is incredibly easy to install and it will sync up to the big social media platforms to help website visitors share the content you post quickly and easily.

The Sharebar will link your page site or specific article to the social media of the person sharing it and will create a connection between your website and that person’s account. This means you can get more exposure to your site thanks to organic sharing, a boost for not only traffic but also how well your site does in SEO rankings.

You can pick what social media outlets you want to display on your site that are best for the type of content you put out, and then Sharebar will show those outlet icons by each post.

7. WP to Twitter 

Twitter is one of the best ways, if not the best, for making content go viral. WP to Twitter is a plugin similar to Sharebar, but instead, it will automatically create a post with your content on your Twitter account.

You no longer have to worry about copying links and putting them into a great tweet; instead, this plugin will do this whole process automatically whenever you post new content. All you need to do is create the Tweet template, which is customizable, and then the WP to Twitter plugin will simply use that template.

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