Comments are very important part of your blog, comments help you to connect with your audience, your readers can share their views about your awesome blog posts and you can reply them easily with WordPress commenting system.
There are many free WordPress plugins available to make your commenting system powerful. If you are using WordPress native commenting system, you can add some additional CSS styles to highlight Post Author comments.
I am going to use Chrome Developer tools to inspect my web page, You will have to find the Post authors CSS class. I am using TwentySixteen child theme at my blog and to style author comments, I need to use .bypostauthor > article
If you don’t know about WordPress child themes, We have published a step by step tutorial to create WordPress child theme.
To style WordPress post author comment, you can use .bypostauthor
CSS styles but I am also using > article
to make sure that only post author comments are highlighted.
Otherwise nested comments (Replies to your comments) will be highlighted as well. Simply add following code in your child theme’s style.css file and your comments will be highlighted.
.bypostauthor > article {
background: #e9e9e9;
padding: 1em;
border-radius: 10px;
color: #607D8B;
In the screenshot below, You can see I have used chrome developer tools to Inspect web page and style author comments.
I have added a light background color, padding, border radius and change text color. It is very simple and easy to Highlight Author Comments in WordPress. You just need to know the CSS class or ID to style author comments.
Author Highlight Free Plugin
Author Highlight is a free plugin to highlight post author comments. This free plugin adds a user-specified class attribute if the comment is made by the specified author.
It is a simple method if you would like to apply different CSS styles to comments made by post authors. This plugin is not updated for years but at the time writing this post, 500+ people are using this plugin.
Awesome, thank you!
it is very useful content to know how we highlight author comments in wordpress. one another thing i knew that wordpress offers many css styles class , using that user or web designer change the style or background of comment box or anything in site. it is very simple way to highlight author comments . There are many thing to do with comments to highlight it , like add little background in to comment ,change the border-top styles , change the fonts color , etc..