Thousands of people are already using WordPress to sell their products online. Yes, You can use WordPress as an online store to sell different type of products, services, and courses. You will have to install a WordPress shopping cart plugin to turn simple WordPress site into an online store.

In this article, I am going to share some of the most popular and best WordPress shopping cart plugins. Most of the WordPress ECommerce Plugins are free. But to add additional features to your WordPress eCommerce site, You will need to buy some premium add-ons.

Best WordPress ECommerce and Shopping Cart Plugins for WordPress

1. WordPress eStore Plugin

WordPress Shopping Cart

This is one of the best and complete Solution to sell any type of Digital Products (ebooks, files, themes, plugins, courses etc) from Your WordPress Blog Securely.

This affordable premium plugin lets you sell, digital downloads, digital content, products, and services from your WordPress site on Autopilot while maintaining total SECURITY of your digital asset?

With WordPress eStore plugin you don’t need to pay ongoing fees and commissions to sell via a third party website? which allows you to save hundreds of dollars.

Sell anything: Once this plugin is installed on your site, You don’t need to buy expensive add-ons. WordPress eStore gives you the ability to sell digital downloads, videos, music, photos, subscriptions, tickets, serial numbers, web hosting, collect membership fees, and much more.

Grow email List with Secure Download Manager: WP eStore allows you to embed secure download now buttons for your free downloads (this will prevent hotlinking to your files). You can also collect the user’s email address in exchange for the download (helps you build an email list).

Autoresponder Integration with MailChimp and other services: You can integrate with Autoresponders (AWeber, MailChimp, GetResponse, Mad Mimi). This way the customers automatically get signed up to your list/campaign for email marketing purpose.

Free Multisite License: Most of the free and premium force you to pay hundreds of dollars extra for the developer license, But you can use WP eStore plugin on multiple sites without paying the extra fee.

Download WordPress eStore Plugin

2. WooCommerce : Download WooCommerce

WooCommerce - best WordPress ecommerce Plugins
WooCommerce-WordPress Plugins

With 5+ million active installations, WooCommerce is the most popular shopping cart plugin. This powerful and most popular plugin is from Automattic, the company behind WordPress itself.

Both beginner and advanced users can use this plugin to create the different type of online stores. As a beginner user, You can add install additional free and paid add-ons to enhance the functionality of your online store built with WooCommerce.

With WooCommerce, you can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, multiple configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers, and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces.

Advanced developers can create add-ons to make WooCommerce more powerful. Thousands of add-ons are already out there that make WooCommerce more powerful.

WooCommerce Ad-dons: Dozens of free add-on plugins for WooCommerce are available at WooCommerce plugins directory, You just need to use the search term such as “affiliates” to view all available plugins.

Paid WooCommerce Add-ons: You can also view a list of some of the most popular and best selling WooCommerce add-ons at

3. eCommerce

Yes, Now You can create an eCommerce website with It is no longer just a simple blogging platform. Now It lets you create personal, business and ecommerce websites very easily at a very affordable price.

Build powerful online store with ecommerce plans
Build powerful online store with ecommerce plans eCommerce offers 3 type of different plans at a very affordable price.

1. Quick and easy payments – $8

Best for Bloggers: Build a powerful website with the ability to accept payments or donations with Simple Payments. Also includes advanced design tools, lots of space for media files, and the ability to further monetize your site with ads. Get started with Premium.

2. Multi‑purpose business site – $25

Best for Small Businesses: Add an online store to your business website with the ability to sell and ship physical products. Also includes installation of custom plugins and themes, real-time one-on-one support, Google Analytics, and 200 GB storage. Get started with Business

3. eCommerce experience – $45

Best for Dedicated eCommerce: Sell products or services with this powerful, all‑in‑one online store experience. This plan includes premium integrations and is expendable, so it’ll grow with you as your business grows. eCommerce plan is very easy to use, You don’t need any technical skills. Even absolute beginners can start selling products online with this plan.

You can find step by step guides to create your online store with Just signup for a plan that suits your needs.

You’ll see an option appear in your WordPress dashboard labeled Store. Click on this item to create your Store. Add your products, Setup shipping and payment details and Review tax settings.

Like many online stores, you are able to set up promotions (e.g. coupons) and product reviews. Full instructions on configuring these can be found in our Promotions and Reviews documentation pages.

Join eCommerce

4. Easy Digital Download Download Easy Digital Download

Easy Digital Downloads : WordPress ecommerce plugins
Easy Digital Downloads

WooCommerce is a very advanced plugin that can be used to sell both physical and digital products and services but Easy Digital Download is great choice to sell digital products such as e-books, video courses, files, themes, plugins, graphics, songs, and other products.

Easy Digital Download has more than 60,000+ installations. This is up to date plugin and it requires at least WordPress 4.4 but most of the times the latest plugin will work well with the older version of WordPress.

But never use the outdated version of any plugin, theme or WordPress itself, it’s a huge security risk. Always keep your installations up to date and current.

Easy Digital Download is available in two dozen languages, so you can use it in your preferred language. The free plugin lets you receive payments via PayPal Standard and Amazon Payments.

The premium extension lets you accept payments using more than 17 online payment gateways including Stripe, PayPal (Pro, Express, Advanced and PayPal Adaptive Payments), Braintree,, 2Checkout and more.

5. MarketPress – WordPress eCommerce : Download MarketPress

marketpress free WordPress shopping cart plugin
marketpress WordPress shopping cart plugin

This is another free WordPress E-commerce plugin, at the time of writing this article, more than 8,000+ users are using this plugin.

This free plugin is from WPMU DEV, a reputed WordPress plugin and theme seller.

This free plugin works well with single and WordPress multisite installation and can be used to sell both digital downloads to physical goods.


You can accept payments using any of the 15 built-in popular payment gateways, including Stripe, PayPal, and It means You don’t need to pay few hundreds of dollars extra to premium add-ons.

6. iThemes Exchange: Simple WP E-commerce Download iThemes Exchange

This is the last plugin in this list of free shopping cart plugins for WordPress. It has more than 2,000+ active installation. This plugin is created by iThemes, a popular theme and plugin seller.

IThemes Exchange: Simple WP E-Commerce
IThemes Exchange: Simple WP E-Commerce

PayPal Standard (Basic or Secure) is supported out of the box as an Exchange core add-on. But iThemes says they want you to have the easiest store experience with Exchange, so they’re also offering the Stripe add-on for free.

Exchange Add-ons include support for several payment gateways, coupons, digital downloads, sales reports, multi-item cart, product categories and product tags.

7. WP eCommerce : Download WP eCommerce

WooCommerce Best WordPress Shopping Cart Plugins
WooCommerce WordPress Plugin

This free plugin has more than 30,000+ active installations and requires WordPress Version 4.5 or higher. It does which type of products you want to sell online, WP eCommerce can be used to sell digital downloads, physical inventory, or subscriptions and memberships.

You can easily style your store with custom CSS, to get started with this free plugin, video tutorials are also available.

You can accept payments using dozens of different payment gateways but keep in mind that Braintree Payments, and Stripe payments cannot be accepted with purchasing premium add-ons.

Hundreds of hooks are available for WP eCommerce plugin, so if you are a WordPress developer, You can make WP eCommerce do anything you can imagine.

Other Must have plugins for your WordPress Ecommerce Website

We have mentioned 5 free and up to date WordPress shopping cart plugins, Here are two more plugins that will help you backup your online store and get more subscriber by offering discount coupon codes.

VaultPress – Backups and security

VaultPress - WordPress Backup and Security
VaultPress – WordPress Backup and Security
  • Backup Page, Posts, Settings, Image Video
  • Complete WordPress Site backup
  • Real-time or daily backups
  • Simple Restore Process

VaultPress is Jetpack’s subscription-based security and backup service for self-hosted WordPress sites. It helps you to backup your important pages, post and category and secure your precious data from getting lost and misuse.

VaultPress is built on the same infrastructure that reliably serves millions of sites every day.

VaultPress makes it easy to keep an up-to-date backup of your WordPress website with both daily and real-time syncing of all your blog/website content. To ensure your site stays safe, VaultPress also performs security scans daily and makes it easy to review and fix threats.

JetPack Personal plan is starting from as low as $3.50 per month (or just $39 annually) and it offers daily backups, one-click restores, spam filtering, and 30-day archive.

PopUp Domination

PopUp Domination WordPress plugins
  • Convert Visitor in Customer
  • Audience Segment based Interest and Location
  • Mobile popup display customization
  • Better A/B Testing

PopUp Domination helps you to convert your normal visitor into a potential customer. PopUp Domination helps you to build different attractive types of customizing form such as floating bar, popup, slider forms in a single platform.

Segment your audience based on user interaction and location, and you can also customize your popup for different devices to perform successful A/B testing.

PopUp Domination offers 14 days free trial, so you can test this plugin thoroughly before purchasing the plugin.

Plans are starting from $9/month only with 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee. Get Your First 14 Days FREE! and start building your email list with PopUp Domination.

Final Words

That’s all for this list of WordPress eCommerce plugins. You can use any of the abovementioned plugins to start your online store. All plugins are from reputed WordPress developers, offer a lot of basic and advanced features.

If you are using any other service or plugin to sell your products and services, share with us, add your comments below.

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