The web is a vast place with some fantastically good resources and WordPress development tools available for WordPress Theme Developers. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to miss some of the best out there.
As a WordPress Theme Developer, you’ll always come across bugs in your code and new development techniques that you think could apply to existing or new WordPress Themes.
WordPress developers are always busy and they don’t have much time and it seems unreasonable to expect everyone to be able to keep up with everything (Tools, Plugins, Starter Themes etc that becomes available.
WordPress Theme Development tools can be incredibly handy. They come in all forms, such as browser add-ons and plugins, which can help you to create the best themes possible.

WordPress Theme development tools make your work more productive and therefore faster, plus they give you access to the latest techniques.
Almost all popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari etc) have web development tools built-in.
For example, Chrome and Firefox developer tools allow you to not only edit your web pages but also allows you to test your responsive design with in browser developer tools quickly and very easily.
With Chrome’s remote debugging feature, you can test your WordPress themes and any other websites on real android devices. I have also written a tutorial How to Edit CSS in WordPress Theme Using Chrome Developer Tools.
I have been using Remote debugging feature for a while to test my responsive WordPress themes on real android devices and I love it.
You are probably already using the developer tools provided by the big browsers, like Google Chrome and Firefox.
You’ll know about the headache of HTML5 and be well-versed on the importance of a responsive website. If you want higher rankings in search results, You should Optimize websites for Google.
There are so many great WordPress Theme Development tools that you’ll quite possibly already be using in some form, or have a similar alternative.
WordPress on XAMPP, WordPress on WAMP, Bitnami WordPress Installer or Automattic’s free and very popular Underscores (_s) starter theme, to name just a few.
But what about the WordPress Theme development tools that you probably aren’t using? Knowing about their features and how they can help you to test and develop powerful WordPress themes.
WordPress Development Tools: Tools to build powerful WordPress Themes and Websites
In this series, we are going to publish following articles. So don’t forget to join our theme development newsletter.
- 38 Free Web Design & Development video courses to Learn HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, Git and More
- 15 Free Books to learn HTML, CSS< WordPress, JavaScrit and more
- 18 Free courses to learn WordPress Theme Development from scratch
- 30+ Best Web Development Tools: Best Chrome, Firefox Extension, Tutorials & Tools For Web Developers
- 20 Free Tools To Setup WordPress Development Environment
- 9 FTP, Back Up and Migration Tools For WordPress Developers
- Top 10 Code Editors and File Difference Checker
- 55+ CSS Tools : PreProcessors, Plugins, Editors, CSS Gradient Generator Tools
- 14 Best WordPress Starter Themes and Frameworks
- Best CSS Frameworks to build Responsive Themes
- 29 Plugins for WordPress Theme Developers
- 8 Browser Testing Tools for WordPress Theme Developers
- Responsive Design With Chrome, Firefox and other browsers
- WordPress Theme Development Documentation and Resources
- Toolset For Advance WordPress Developers
- WordPress Deployment Tools & Tutorials
- Version control tools
- Custom Web Fonts and Icon Fonts for WordPress Theme Developers
- Image Optimization, ScreenShots and Design Tools
- Tools to optimize and create eye-catching images
- Screen Casting Tools to create demos & video Tutorials
- WordPress Staging Environment
- Recommended Reading List for WordPress Developers
- WordPress communities and groups for developers
Final Words
Don’t forget to join our WordPres Newsletter to recieve latest articles and tutorials about Theme Develeopment and WordPress Development Tools.
Disclaimer: Originally published at
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